Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back at the Office

let me catch you nice folk up on whats been happening.

so Malmöfestivalen finished on the friday night and we returned to the office/base in Jönköping on saturday for debriefing. the last 2 days we've had off and everyones been catching up with family/friends and sleep.

throughout the week in Malmö, our team has had many good conversations with people from all different walks of life and i've actually been surprised at how many swedes, immigrant and domestic, who are interested in talking about God and Jesus, who are seeking answers. We've had some people come to faith over the week, as well as people signing up for alpha courses (discussion groups available worldwide where you can ask any & every theological question) and have even had some people healed.
one man had been to the doctors to get his vision treated after damaging his eyes from welding and it had been a success but he felt massive pain behind his eyes. Some of the guys met him and prayed for him and at first asked him to rate his pain from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most severe and they prayed for him until the level dropped from an 8 to a 1.

not that i've had masses of interesting stories but i'll just name two for me. there was Adriana the brazilian girl who came up to me and took a book and started telling me how she was christian but her boyfriend arvid wasn't but how he would pray with her and study the bible with her and she obviously wanted so much for him to believe. i honestly believe that God had meant for me to meet her since i could legitimately relate to what she was going through and so i prayed with her. charmain you will be proud to know that i was speaking in swedish the whole time!
then on the last night there was a swedish lady taking around her friend's mum who was spanish and we had a fun-filled, broken-trilingual conversation in which i got a bit muddled and threw some french in for kicks.

so the dealio for the next 2 weeks is that i'll be here in Råslätt, Jönköping and just helping with the orientation they're having here for the new permanent people joining OM, so it'll probably be bit of a slower week. after that, my fate is still yet to be decided, there are at current 3 possiblities:

1) stay here and help out with the stuff they have goin on here which includes a hangout they have for youth who dont go to school or work

2) go back to Malmö and work with the church there and probably the street church stuff as well. i quite liked the church we stayed in, and i know they had a spanish group and a iranian group so it could be pretty cool there

3) there's a sister organisation who work with visits to prisons and working in the schools as well i think

probably keen on either 2 or 3 but i guess we'll wait and see

so i am having a good time, definitely enjoy being in sweden and meeting all types of people but i think this trip has probably shown me more clear that its not necessarily what i want to be doing full-time. the soul search continues...

1 comment:

Mum said...

Glad to know that you are doing the work that you enjoy and surely you had grant yourself the best " FRUIT " I am proud of your expperience .