Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey guys, seb here
finally get a chance to sit down and write something about what we have done so far.
ok so firstly hedda and lachy had an extremely crap time as their flights got diverted from london to manchester due to bad weather. then they had to get to london and it was really busy due to everyone having been delayed, cancelled, and diverted, they had missed their flight so had to get new tickets and it took them 4 hours to get their tickets and everything. and it was all confusing cause they thought they were gonna catch a flight the next mornign but then the lady was like 'no your bags are already on this plane' so they ran to the gate and made it onto the plane which got a bit delayed due to them being late to board it. then the baggage wasnt actually on that plane and it took them two days to get it driven out and when it got driven out it was the wrong baggage so they didnt get any baggage till today. My flights were awesome i got to sit in the cockpit coming into arlanda airport here in sweden and read out check lists. didnt have a clue as to what i was doing. what we have done so far is we have been to my old summerhouse and hiked through the forest and i showed them where my treehouses once stood. then we went and saw my cousin cause it was his bday, lachy was surprised as to how good everyones english is. played a game called 'fia' with my grandad and oh and we went and bought clothes for hedda and lachy and food for us all. that was all yesterday. today we got up pretty early and we booked our trains to go up around sweden. service was awesome i was really surprised swedish people are usually pretty crap at service. anyway we booked trains and then went down to södertälje centrum to go to the bank coincidently my bank is called SEB... LIKE ME! how about that (pictures to come). then we drove grandad home and went to this other shopping complex to get some icehockey scarves because we are going to an icehockey match tonight. oh and on the way we stopped at this burger palace for lunch and lachy finally understood why sweden is said to have so many beautiful girls **hello i am from australia you are very pretty your blonde curls remind me of.... wait come back .... i love you*** lachy is funny he keeps saying hi in swedish to people and hes good enough for them to not realise hes not swedish and this guy at the counter asked him 'so you going to the match tonight' and lachy just froze and was about to say 'no thankyou' because he thought he was probably asking would you like a bag with that but luckily i jumped in and saved the day. Hedda is similiar she just freezes and looks blankly at the people and i think everyone thinks she is just retarded. Then we went and had swedish pizza which is actually better than italian pizza. sooooo yum. then we went to the icehockey match, SSK vs Almtuna .... we were supporting ssk and we won 3-0. Great seats. We have pictures of us all in our supporter gear which will get posted when we get to a better computer. by the way driving here is weird. there are no signs anywhere so its really hard to know what the speed limit is. Oh but its either 50 on roads if its not signed for 30 which feels really slow. Everything seems to work smoothly as long as you go that slow though. ok well im pretty tired now got to pack for tommorrow we are going to finland. ok till next time you stay classy melbourne.

1 comment:

Kae said...

Well you know what? Its better than the pick up like that is actually used in England that goes.....guy: "I can touch your breasts without using my hands?" girl: "ok, how?"
guy: ****touches girls breast then runs off
The end.