Sunday, December 03, 2006

greetings from finland

Sorry for the delay in letting you know whats been happening the last few days.
This is seb by the way.
Ok so we left for finland on the thursday nothing much happened that day before we got on the boat. i got sprayed with car wax at the car wash and we had swedish pizza again oh and hedda was feeling really ill so she decided to throw up as you do. Then we went to the boat called the Mariella part of the viking line fleet that takes people between sweden finland åland and talinn. we went from stockholm stopped off in åland and then went on to helsinki. Boat ride was so funny. we didnt get a hut because everyone i had spoken to said there were armchairs you could use for free. well there werent we searched every inch of that boat then we asked two different information people and well they just dont exist so then we went and ate at the buffet even though none of use were very hungry(waste of money really). were pretty bored and decided to make a very short version of the titanic using the movie clip version of our digital cameras, lachy was rose and i was umm that other guy john maybe. oh then we found a nice corner on the floor to sleep in. It was just outside some guys hut so we felt a bit weird but he didnt seem to mind. Anyway we slept there till about 1oclock when i woke up from a guy saying ''wake up!'' ''why are you sleeping here?'' Lach-cause we havnt got a hut ''dont you know someone could kill you?.... do you want me to kick you. L-no.. ''why not'' L-because it would hurt ''have you seen james bond?... i am the evil russian guy i just want to hurt you..... im from the russaian government'' stare off.... ''wake up... do you want me to kick you'' and then eventually he left. funniest thing ever. anyways eventually we left so that he wouldnt come back and actually kick us. so then we went and found these round sofa type things that were quite comfortable were we spent the rest of the night. we bumped into these two drunk girls who talked a lot about stuff we didnt understand and they saw that hedda was chinese and was like ''chi chi.. chi chi.. it means hello'' and hedda was nice and was just like no its che che and its thankyou but they ignored her and when they left were still saying chi chi.
anyway next drunk person i met was when lachy and hedda were sleeping. it was this finish guy who was just saundering around at 4 in the morning and then walked up to a locked closet with no handle and pressed the keyhole with his finger and waited cause he thought it was an elevator. then he came and sat down next to me and spoke finish to me for half an hour and i kept saying sorry i dont understand you and the only word he understood was sorry. so he repeated sorry like 40 times. anyway eventually he left and we slept till the morning and got off the boat. Lachy got stopped by the cops here because the sniffer dog thought he smoked drugs but he got off cause he answered no to all the questions he got asked mainly ''do you smoke anything illegal'' ok so we were in finland and decided to walk from the harbour to our hostel. saw a few sights on the way two cathedrals and parliament square etc. then got to our hostel which is at the olympic stadium where the olympics were in 1952 we actually live where some of the athletes lived. and theres soccer training most nights like outside our window. anyway we left our bags and went back out to see the national museum(pretty boring) and the mountain/cave church(called something else but essentially is a church built inside a mountain. the church was awesome really beautiful. then we bought some souvenirs and food and went to kampii which is the main shopping centre. walked back home and went to sleep. ok so now we are up to yesterday. We woke up and got ready to catch the bus 30 min to espoo slightly outside helsinki to go to the serena waterpark. hedda didnt swim but me and lach did. basically its a complex with 4 slides and river stream thing. oh and theres skiing and outside swimming but they werent open. It was pretty good. lachy had his first taste of sauna and he was shocked how hot it was. for those of you who have no clue its basically a room filled with really hot steam and you get completely naked, get your butt paper(vital step we forgot first time in) and then you go in and sweat out all the bad stuff inside you. then you go outside and jump in cold water and then repeat over and over again. Its good it makes you feel really clean and relaxed. so yeah we left there at like 4ish and came back to helsinki and ate at an american restaurant called chicos (anyone else reckon its weird that an american restaurant has a spanish/mexican name.) food was awesome and not too expensive. then we went home cause it was raining and was kinda cold. still only 5 degrees celsius and no snow anywhere so they havnt seen nothing yet. today we plan to buy some stuff and climb the olympic tower just 20m from our hostel. ok ill write more later see ya


¯|¯héºþhªn¡ª said...

always fun to interact with 'interesting' people. or hear about it from others.

Kae said...