Friday, December 08, 2006

Hello Hello,
Seb here again
So two days since last post, so time for the update.
So yesterday we got up early and got ready to go meet my mate jesper. ended up running a bit late so we took the car instead of taking the train. First time since we got here i think that we didnt get lost. We got there pretty much exactly on time which was good. So met jesper, played on his xbox 360 some halo type game and table tennis which was cooooooooooolan!. Oh and we got our photos uploaded. so happy time for you guys. Then we went to huddinge centrum to get some lunch. They have some stupid parking sticker you need which essentially is just a piece of plastic that you put in the time you got there. thats fine but apparently if you just write the time you got there on a piece of paper you still get a fine. Then we had kebabs which was yumm. slightly different to aussie kebabs in that there was no bread. but i thought the meat was awesome. then we went to älvsjö to go gokarting. Jesper was reading the map and he was ridiculously crap. like 8 times id go ''so we turning off here?'' and id get a ''no........ umm.... yes...sorry''
funny but well kinda annoying. finally got there and did some gokarting which was awesome. I did shit 1st lachy 2nd jesper 3rd seb 4th hedda. hedda was funny she was driving REALLY slow, i think she thought there were speed limits. anyway after that we went to heron city and went bowling. Again i did shit this time hedda did really well. Again funny because of her.... umm.....unorthodox bowling technique. for those who have been bowling with her you might be able to describe it better but i would say of the energy she gathers for her bowling 80% of it is translated into a vertical motion straight down hard onto the lane. and yeah 20% goes into pushing the pink weight 7 ball down the lane so that it just touches the pins. And although i would normally say such a bowling style is just crap, she did awesome she got like 4 strikes or something where i got none or one. After that we went to the arcade section and played some games. they had an airline game i remembered from last time i was in the country. SO FUN! i did quite a bit better this time. Then we went and rented some videos and got some icecream. Went home to jesper and had swedish meatballs and macaroni and then watched inside man(denzel washinton, clive owen), the new world(colin farell, jesus man from passion of the christ) oh and some of date movie. Inside man was awesome, very smart. new world was SOOOOOOOOO BORING and date movie was funny but it broke down half way so i was sad. So then we watched movies and ate icecream till midnight. then we went home cause we were tired. got home 1:30am. Then
(HEDDA SAYS: chen and ash i need ur adress. well more so your numbers of ur hus) ok that was like an interlude
So today. got up and went to pickup my sister. then went to stockholm and went to the vasa museum which is a really cool museum. Essentially a giant ship that was built in 1625-28 for king gustav adolf XII. ok its hedda again takin over. seb has to go pick up his granddad from his party night with the guys & he says that i hvae to finish it because we wont be able to update for awhile cos we´re on the big trip (tho i rekon he´ll somehow sniff a computer out because he loves u guys so much). so here i am. vasa museum, definitly the best one we've been to and will go to this whole trip. the ship looks awesome. most of it that was showing was originial so thats pretty cool. after that, we went to get sebs long anticipated pilot jacket. it was like $500AU at first but he could get it tax free thank goodness so its like $300AU now. he loves it. and then we walked around a christmas market type thing for a bit before heading home. we went out pretty late during the day so by this time it was already like 6-7 so we got back, originaly was meant to have delicious yabbies but the supermarkets were closed so they had pizza again instead. and now we've just been packing, getting ready for our big trip. the guys are a little disheartened because snow hasnt really set in yet so our skiing plans seem to be not as good as thought to be. not all the slopes are open. in fact not many are.

alex! that was really good to hear from you! i was just about to send you an email to REMIND YOU to send me postcards =) hope youre doing everything you had planned to do, email me or something if you can

oh and ashraf, that is the grandpa we're stayin with. and hes really nice. on the first day we went to the supermarket & we saw that the bananas were really cheap so we got some & now hes been gettin me bananas ever since and he says 'i got you some bananas that you like' which is very cute. how hot is it in aust now??

ok really sleepy, and i think we've covered everything,
good night =) xxx h

1 comment:

¯|¯héºþhªn¡ª said...

it reached 41 today. the weather ppl lied.